How to have outfit confidence


Let's talk about how to have outfit confidence...

I mean, who doesn't want to be confident in their outfits? Because when you're confident in your outfit, it just shows to the world.

You end up walking taller, you're smiling more, you end up becoming more attractive, and the energy shows off to the world! 

So how do you find your confidence? 



Tip #1: Stop looking at what everyone else is wearing


We need to stop worrying about what everyone else is wearing, what everyone in your office is wearing, and what everyone at home is wearing. We need to bring it back and focus on ourselves because the point of this is to build confidence within. If you are constantly comparing yourself to others in your life and you're trying to mimic that, then it's not going to truly show and shine as who you are today. 

We have to stop scrolling,

Stop comparing,

And stop looking at everyone else's outfits!

Because the thing is, there is actually no wrong or right way of dressing. It comes down to you and how you feel. 

So that's the first step, start feeling what you want to wear today and stop comparing yourself to others. To do this you want to start upgrading your outfit by 5%.

So let's say your favourite outfit is a denim skirt and a grey top. This is where the 5% rule comes in. You upgrade this look by 5% by introducing a new printed scarf, or a fun hat, even find a colourful bag to match your outfit. You can even simply add on some lipsticks or some bold earrings!

Start with a basic look, then add 5% more, then keep adding more until you feel excited with your style. 

This could also mean removing your go-to top and adding a different colour, possibly a bold colour so that we are upgrading it by 5%. And then once you're comfortable with that idea, then we can upgrade it to a printed top. 

Represent your vibe, represent your personality by adding 5% more to your outfit. 


Tip #2: Find your personality vibe by using outfits


Let's say that you are a little bit more on the shy side, but you do want to feel a bit more bold and expressive. Then get comfortable finding and wearing these pieces that will do the talking for you. When you walk into a room and you wear those loud pieces and you don't speak, people will instantly go, oh, this person is someone that I want to talk to.

And that is how you start attracting those types of energies and those types of conversations.

And on the opposite, if you are someone that is a bit of a chatterbox and you're quite loud and assertive, then when you go out, start dressing the opposite. Wear pieces and colours that represent a more softer side to you. And that could be pieces that are flowy and effortless. You could wear colours that are subtle and softer. You could remove the loud prints and go for block colours. Remember, we own style. Style doesn't own us. Make it work for you girl. 



Tip #3: Stop waiting for an event to wear the beautiful outfit!


Stop waiting. The best way to boost your self-esteem every single day is to actually wear your favourite outfits! Wear those pieces that make you feel bright and bold and confident and strong and whatever it is that you're looking for, start wearing them every single day and just watch your world change. 

So stop the excuses of one day I'll wear this, or one day I'll lose weight and buy the amazing outfit.

If you start today, then every single day can be your best day. And that is what it's all about. 

That is how we build outfit confidence!

Fashion is made so that we can have fun with it.

So go out there girl, and seriously start showing up today.